
一、請說明 N 型半導體與 P 型半導體放在一起形成 PN 接面,為何於接面處形成內建電場,請說明之,並請繪圖標示電場方向。(10 分)


統計:A(180),B(202),C(2553),D(130),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單: out of the question & out of question 的意思、線上學習


【用戶】Peter Hao


【評論內容】out of question=no problem out of the question=impossible差一個THE差很多






【評論內容】原本題目:37 Mark: Why don’t you go to New York by plane?Shelly: . I’m afraid of flying.Mark: Well, then you may have to take a train.(A) How should I know? (B) Traveling by plane is fun.(C) That’s out of the question. (D) Can you pass me the ticket, please?修改成為37 Mark: Why don’t you go to New York by plane?Shelly:_________ . I’m afraid of flying.Mark: Well, then you may have to take a train.(A) How should I know? (B) Traveling by plane is fun.(C) That’s out of the question. (D) Can you pass me the ticket, please?...