
A: Congratulations! Your team won the game.B: Thank you! What did you think of the game?A: It was really exciting. __________________________
(A)I couldn’t help falling asleep during the game. ‚
(B)I was on the edge of my seat during the whole game.ƒ
(C)I’m glad that you are here. „
(D)I had difficulty finding my way there.


統計:A(109),B(837),C(117),D(19),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:101年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試、101年公務人員特種考試 移民行政人員考試及101年國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員考試試題、101年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試、101年公務人員特種考試 移民行政人員考試及101年國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員考試試題、101 年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試、101 年公務人員特種考試-五等關務人員考試


【用戶】Wen Xuan Xie


【評論內容】I was on the edge of my seat during the whole game



【評論內容】I was on the edge of my seat during the whole game

【用戶】Chris Chen



【用戶】Wen Xuan Xie


【評論內容】I was on the edge of my seat .....看完整詳解



【評論內容】I was on the edge of my seat during the whole game

【用戶】Chris Chen



【用戶】Wen Xuan Xie


【評論內容】I was on the edge of my seat .....看完整詳解



【評論內容】A: Congratulation☆! ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】I was on the edge of my seat during the whole game

【用戶】Chris Chen

