
五、閱讀測驗(共5分,每題1分)   How powerful are netizens? Decades ago, few can recognize the word “netizens”, and imagine the power of the group. However, now in a society with advanced technology, “netizens” can mean as well as do a lot. To begin with, the power of netizens can be regarded as a power to save lives, either of people or of animals. It is not unusual to read stories describing how those netizens work together to save a person who wants to commit suicide. In those stories, netizens find out the name, the location, and even the age of that person. They provide the most instant information for the police, hoping to save the person from danger. Also, netizens are often thought of as a source of justice, for their revealing ugly and dirty truths to the public. The most recent example would be the discovery of food safety problems in Taiwan. It shows how united and how strong these netizens can be.   Nevertheless, netizens are not always on the right side. Sometimes, the power is used as a means to revenge. Some violent cybermobs use their “freedom of speech” to attack others on the Web. They made up stories and news to do harm to their targets. These cyber bullies usually cause misfortune to their victims.    The power of netizens is like a double­edge sword. It can be used to achieve social justice but it can also do harm to the society. Therefore, it is very important for netizens to know and learn to use their power correctly.
【題組】66. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) The Revenge of Netizens
(B) Netizens: Heroes of the New Age
(C) The History of Netizens
(D) Netizens: the Power of the Internet.






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