
Black Friday: America’s shopping DayDo you know about Black Friday? Although it’s not a holiday, it’s still an important day for many Americans. Black Friday is always the day after Thanksgiving. Many Americans get this day off, so they use it to startshopping for Chrismas presents. Black Friday has become the first day of the Christmas shopping season. Stores make a lot of money on this day, so people call it Black Friday. After all, when a business is makingmoney, then it’s in the black.Black Friday is a busy day for both stores and shoppers. Shoppers have to be careful. If they buy too much,then they will be in the red! 

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3. Why do Americans have Black Friday?
(A)Because it is the day after Thanksgiving.
(B)Beccause Americans can get this day off.
(C)Because Americans can use this day to buy gifts.
(D)Because Americans can make money on this day.

