
“Whatever you do, don’t talk to strangers!"Parents always _____46_____ us to stay away from strangers, and that was good advice when we were in elementary school. But we’re _____47_____ now. There’s no denying that strangers can be dangerous, but it’s also _____48_____ that they can become friends. Your future husband or wife would be a complete stranger to you forever if you don’t meet and socialize with him or her at some social occasion. _____49_____ , if you want to meet that ideal person, you have to overcome the fear of strangers and change the way you behave towards them. You will have the greatest chance of meeting your love at a party full of strangers. For the purposes of finding someone who is your type, the perfect party would be the one _____50_____ no one knows anyone else.




【用戶】Chun Jen Wan





【評論內容】c  警告

【用戶】Amber Lin


【評論內容】“Whatever you do, don’t talk to strangers!"Parents always _____46_____ us to stay away from strangers, and that was good advice when we were in elementary school. But we’re _____47_____ now. There’s no denying that strangers can be dangerous, but it’s also _____48_____ that they can become friends. Your future husband or wife would be a complete stranger to you forever if you don’t meet and socialize with him or her at some social occasion. _____49_____ , if you want to meet that ideal person, you have to overcome the fear of strangers and change the way you behave towards them. You ...