
Questions 196~200 refer to the following proposal, speech, and . Dear Kathryn McLay,
 As Verona Luxe continues to grow, it's important that we invest in our employees to help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. With that in mind, I wanted to propose a one-day training schedule for our staff that would cover three key areas: sales and customer service skills, effective communication, and time management and productivity. 
 The attachment is a detailed table that outlines the proposed training schedule, including the lecturers and their brief introduction.
 I would appreciate your feedback on this proposed training schedule and look forward to hearing from you soon. 
 Best regards, 
 Molly Wallace
Table of Proposed Training Schedule:

 Good morning, everyone. My name is Sarah Johnson, and I'll be leading the EffectiveCommunication Skills training module today. I'm excited to be here with you all and to have the opportunity to share my expertise in this area. 
 For many years, I've worked as a communication director at a national nonprofit organization, where I helped to develop and implement communication strategies to achieve organizational goals.
 During my time there, I gained extensive experience in public speaking, media relations, and crisis communication, which I'll be sharing with you today. 
 Effective communication is essential in any workplace, regardless of the industry or field. It's how we share ideas, give and receive feedback, and build relationships with colleagues, clients, and customers. In this training module, we'll be covering a range of topics to help you improve your communication abilities, including active listening, nonverbal communication, and conflict resolution.
By the end of this module, you'll be equipped with the skills and knowledge you need to communicate more effectively in the workplace. You'll be better able to listen actively to your colleagues and clients, to use nonverbal communication to convey your message, and to resolve conflicts in a constructive and positive way.
 I'm looking forward to working with you all today and helping you take your communication abilities to the next level. Let's get started!
 Course Review Form: Effective Communication Skills
 Course Instructor: Sarah Johnson
 Date of Training: March 28, 2023 
 Please rate the following aspects of the course on a scale of 1-5 (1=poor, 5=excellent): 
1. Instructor's knowledge of the subject matter: 5 2.Quality of course materials: 4 3.Relevance of course content: 5 4.Effectiveness of teaching methods: 4 5.Instructor's communication style: 56. Overall satisfaction with the course: 4 7. Please provide any additional comments or feedback on the course:
 I found the Effective Communication Skills training module to be extremely valuable. Sarah was an excellent instructor and clearly had a deep understanding of the subject matter. The course materials were well-prepared and relevant to our work. I particularly appreciated the focus on active listening and conflict resolution, which I think will be helpful in my day-to-day work. Overall, a great course and highly recommended

【題組】196.According to the proposal, who most likely is Molly Wallace?
(A)A legal representative of Verona Luxe.
(B)HR Manger at Verona Luxe.
(C)A freelance fitness tutor.
(D) A freelance social media coordinator.






【評論內容】閱讀關鍵句秒殺掃讀破解:解答:看到第一段中間關鍵句 training schedule for our staff 訓練我們的員工行程=HR 人資,秒選B答案。



【評論內容】閱讀關鍵句秒殺掃讀破解:解答:看到第一段中間關鍵句 training schedule for our staff 訓練我們的員工行程=HR 人資,秒選B答案。