
47. A: I’m sorry that I fell asleep during the baseball game. So, which team won?B: ______________
(A) What can I do for you?
(B) Well, the game ended in a tie.
(C) Look who’s talking now?
(D) Yes, I like hot chocolate a lot.






【評論內容】 Well, the game ended in a tie. 好吧,比賽以平手結束。in a tie 平局



【評論內容】47. A: I’m sorry that I fell asleep during the baseball game. So, which team won? B: _______



【評論內容】原本題目:47. A: I’m sorry that I fell asleep during the baseball game. So, which team won?B:(A) What can I do for you? (B) Well, the game ended in a tie.(C) Look who’s talking now? (D) Yes, I like hot chocolate a lot.修改成為47. A: I’m sorry that I fell asleep during the baseball game. So, which team won?B: ______________(A) What can I do for you? (B) Well, the game ended in a tie.(C) Look who’s talking now? (D) Yes, I like hot chocolate a lot.