
請依下文回答第 22 題至第 25 題There are few places, not only in Italy, but in the whole world, that have as much evocative and suggestive poweras the Appian Way in Rome. The walls along the Appian Way, full of remarkable traces of ancient history, are still thesame as they were two thousand years ago, but they will be submerged beneath a flood of houses, disappearing intohistory, simply because of a frenzy of wild speculation on lands.There are laws that protect the artistic and historic heritage, as well as the landscape. But laws are inert andimpotent if there is a lack of real will to ensure that they are respected. In this case, as in a hundred others, the faultcannot be attributed to administrative inertia; it lies much higher up, at the level of the government officials and, at amuch higher level, in the ruling class.It is surely symptomatic that when the alarm was sounded concerning the imminent destruction of the AppianWay, not a single organ of the mighty middle-class press chose to champion the cause, and nobody chose to react. Thewhole of our incomparable artistic and cultural heritage is threatened with destruction; in the villas of the Veneto,rooms covered with precious wall paintings are being turned into stables; the Italian cities that are celebratedthroughout the world as masterpieces of beauty and as the witnesses of first-rate culture are rapidly being transformedinto something extremely vulgar.
【題組】22 What causes the Appian Way to be disappearing?
(A) Historical factors
(B) Land development
(C) Natural disasters
(D) Political power

