
(3) 43~45       They say one man’s trash is another’s treasure. American artist Justin Gignac has been proving that for years. He collects garbage by hand from streets of New York City, and puts it in clear boxes that sell for up to US$50 each. They contain anything from useless plates to old banana peels.        Gignac came up with the idea in 2001 when a friend of his said packaging wasn’t that important to a product. Gignac wanted to challenge this and did so by packaging things which other people had thrown away. The way he packs the trash gives it a unique appeal. People are interested in his works, and some even pay a lot for them just because they are so special.       He proved that with creative packaging and smart marketing ways, trash can become appealing products. So far, he has sold over 1400 garbage art pieces. To Gignac and creative people like him, garbage is also valuable. 

prove證明contain包含 useless無用的 peel果皮 product產品challenge挑戰appeal魅力 marketing行銷
【題組】43. Why did Justin Gignac first start collecting trash?
(A) He wanted to clean up his place.
(B) He wanted to prove the importance of packaging.
(C) He wanted to keep special things in mind.
(D) He had thought of a way to make a lot of money.






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...