
 (1) Scientists are confused as to why whales sometimes strand themselves on beaches. A new study, though,   36     that in one case, changes to earth’s geomagnetic field might have played a role in the stranding of 29 sperm whales.
      The sperm whales were found on various European sandy coasts in early 2016. Researchers   37     a number of theories to explain the stranding incidents, including poisoning and climate change, two events which could have influenced sperm whales to search for their prey in the North Sea. Sperm whales live in deep, warm waters, but when male sperm whales are 10 to 15 years old, they journey to the northern pole in search of squid. However, this time, 29 of them   38     on beaches in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, and France.
     Scientists now think these whales use the Earth’s geomagnetic field to navigate. Large solar storms in early 2016 could have interrupted the whales’ sense of direction,   39     them onto beaches. Although this theory has not been   40     , scientists do believe it is reasonable.
(A) showing
(B) to shows
(C) shows
(D) is showed






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