
     Online shopping is a popular way of buying goods nowadays, but there are things to consider before clicking “Purchase.”
     One of the biggest advantages of shopping online is the time it saves. Shopping at a physical store means making time to travel there, browse the selection, and stand in line, but shopping from home can be done in just a few minutes. The Internet also gives people access to more information than found in a regular store. Shoppers can read about products and compare them to similar ones before buying.
      Internet shopping has drawbacks, though. For one thing, there are fraud sites that collect shoppers’ credit card numbers just to steal full names, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and home adresses when making purchases. That informaiton can be used to send spam or steal identities.
      Thousands of people shop online with no problem at all, but it’s important to use common sense before making purchases in order to protect yourself.
【題組】21. According to the passage, which of the following is Not an advantage of online shopping?
(A) Shoppers don’t need to stand in line to purchase their items.
(B) Shoppers are required to give personal details when buying things.
(C) Shoppers can get shopping done without leaving their houses.
(D) Shoppers get more information online than a regular store.






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