
3 Negotiators must attempt to probe below the ____of their opponent’s position to discover underlying needs.
(B) ground 
(C) reason 






【評論內容】Negotiators must attempt to probe below then____of their opponent’s position to discover underlyingnneeds. (A)surface  表層(B) ground土地(C) reason 理由(D)purpose意圖,目的  negotiator 協商者,談判者proben 盤問,追問,探究 underlying 深層的,潛在的 協商者為了發現暗含的需要,應該嘗試去探究他們對手在表面之下的意見。



【評論內容】Negotiators must attempt to probe below the surface of their opponent’s position to discover underlying needs.談判者必須試圖探究對手表面之下的立場,以發現背後隱藏的需求。(A) surface 表面the earth's surface 地球表面Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon. 尼爾‧阿姆斯壯是第一個登上月球的人。below the surface 表面之下When you write your book reports, please look below the surface of the text and analyze the author's stylistic choices. 寫讀書報告時,請細讀出其言外之意,以及分析作者寫作風格上的選擇。(B) ground 地面sit on the ground. 坐在地上。He lost his balanc...



【評論內容】Negotiators must attempt to probe below the ____of their opponent’s position to discover underlying needs. (A)surface 表面(B) ground  地面(C) reason    理由(D)purpose   目的purpose n.目的negotiator n.協商者Negotiator n.談判專家