
Growing gender equality has important economic implications. Yet, although gender inequality _____26_____ in developed and developing countries alike, women in the BRICs and N-11 countries have made significant _____27_____ over the past two decades in education, health, employment and political representation. As women gain more household bargaining power and _____28_____ over savings and spending decisions, household spending patterns change, with purchases increasingly directed toward the health, education and welfare of the household. This spending _____29_____ the development of human capital, which fuels economic growth in the years ahead. In addition, household savings rates generally rise, _____30_____ the savings available to finance future growth. Growing gender equality and the shift in household spending power towards women coincide with a period of rising incomes and rapid growth of the global middle class.




【用戶】Chun Jen Wan



【用戶】Jill Chen


【評論內容】insist堅持; 堅決認為[+(that)]She insisted that he was wrong. 她堅持認為他錯了。堅決主張; 堅決要求[+(that)]He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts. 他一定要我們收下這些禮物。persist1.堅持; 固執[(+in/with)]Why do you persist in writing these things? 你為什麼要堅持寫這些東西呢?2.持續; 存留The storm persisted for a week. 暴風雨持續了一個星期。



【評論內容】Growing gender equality has important economic implications. (性別平等的成長具有重要的經濟含義。)Yet, although gender inequality _____26_____ in developed and developing countries alike, women in the BRICs and N-11 countries have made significant _____27_____ over the past two decades in education, health, employment and political representation. (然而,儘管在已開發國家和開發中國家都存在性別不平等現象,但BRICs (金磚國家)和N-11國家的婦女在過去20年中在教育、健康、就業和政治代表方面都取得了巨大_____27_____的進步。)(A)insists 堅持(B)persists 持續存在(C)resists 抵抗(D)consists 由...組...