
Questions164~167 refer to the following instant messaging chain. 
Alex: "All too often, meetings run longer than they should and fail to keep attendeesengaged. Do you guys know how to run a meeting the right way?"
Bruce: "I've been in my fair share of boring meetings, that's for sure. What do yousuggest, Alex?"
Helen: "I agree with Alex, setting a clear agenda beforehand and sticking to it is key."
Alex: "Yes, and assigning specific tasks or action items to individuals during themeeting can also help keep everyone accountable."
Bruce: "I think it's also important to make sure everyone is on the same page andunderstands what's being discussed. Clarifying any misunderstandings early on cansave time and prevent confusion later." 
Helen: "And not letting any one person dominate the conversation is crucial. Everyoneshould have a chance to speak and contribute their ideas."
Alex: "That's true, Helen. Creating a collaborative environment where everyone feelscomfortable sharing their thoughts is important."
Bruce: "I also find that meetings are more effective when they're kept short andsweet. No one wants to be stuck in a meeting for hours on end."
Helen: "Agreed, Bruce. It's important to stay on schedule and end the meeting ontime."
Alex: "Thanks for those tips, everyone. I think if we put them into practice, ourmeetings will be much more productive and engaging."
Bruce: "Definitely. And if we ever need to have a longer meeting, we should schedulebreaks to keep everyone fresh and focused."
Helen: "That's a great idea, Bruce. Let's make sure to incorporate breaks into ourlonger meetings from now on."
Alex: "Sounds good to me. I'm looking forward to our next meeting already!"
【題組】164.According to the instant messaging chain, what is one effective method to ensuremeeting attendees stay accountable?
(A)Having attendees take notes during the meeting.
(B) Allowing attendees to leave the meeting early.
(C)Assigning specific tasks to individuals during the meeting.
(D) Encouraging attendees to multitask during the meeting.

