
What can one person do to save Mother Earth? A lot!   (1)   Here they are: 1.   (2)  Driving less is a great way to help our earth. 2. Reuse! Bring your own water bottle with you; bring your own shopping bag when shopping, or   (3)   3. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Turn off your computer or TV when you’re not using it. 4.   (4)   Take shorter showers. Wait until you have a lot of clothes to wash before using the washingmachine. Finally, try to reuse the water you wash rice or vegetables with to water flowers or plants.    (5)   This way, we can have a cleaner and healthier earth.
(A) Please sign your name to help Mother earth.
(B) Just some easy changes to help make Mother Earth a worse place to live.
(C) Follow some tips and put them into actions.
(D) Ride a U-bike for free for the first half hour.






【評論內容】 What can one person do to save Mother Earth? A lot!   (1) Follow some tips and put them into actions.  Here they are:一個人能做些什麼來拯救地球母親? 很多! 遵循一些提示並將它們付諸行動。 就在這裡:(C) Follow some tips and put them into actions.  遵循一些提示並將它們付諸行動。