
Trisha:It’s only 16:30. I’m so hungry. What do you want to eat tonight? Dylan:Oh, it’s hot. I don’t want to eat anything hot. How about vinegar chicken salad? That’s yummy. Trisha:Sure. Let’s buy some food online with the cellphone. We can take and pay later.What do we need? Dylan:We need one kilo of chicken without fat. And we also need some lettuce and tomatoes. Trisha:OK. Are two tomatoes enough? Dylan:We need more. Four tomatoes are fine. Trisha:All right. By the way, we can put some fruit in it. You’re a fruit lover, right? Dylan:You bet! Some apples and kiwis are great Trisha:Do we need some bread? Dylan:Sure. Please get some. Trisha:Is vinegar the only dressing for the salad? Dylan:Of course not. Do you like mayonnaise? Trisha:No, that’s not healthy. I think olive oil is better. Dylan:That’s a good idea. Let’s get one small bottle of olive oil. Trisha:And the dessert? Green tea cake or mango ice cream? Dylan:I love both of them. Maybe we can have green tea cake with mango ice cream on it! 

【題組】49. Which drink do they want?
(A) Apple juice.
(B) Green tea.
(C) Kiwi juice.
(D) We don’t know.





