
▲閱讀下文後,作答第 27-31 題Every single day, new technology comes out and makes our lives safer and more comfortable. Products that 27 be seen only in sci-fi movies are in their development stage now. Scientists hope that those products will improve people’s lives in the near future.One example is that researchers and scientists are now working together to develop a special robot to 28 drivers. The small robot will improve almost every aspect of the driving experience. It will remind the driver that the gas tank should be filled up. The robot, moreover, will recommend the fastest route home. Technology is not only making life better 29 helping us extend our lives. What scientists are trying hard these days is to develop artificial body parts, such as the joints, teeth, and hearts, that can replace real ones but will never 30 .No one can predict what the future looks like. 31 high-tech products that are emerging, our future is definitely looking bright.
(A) are used to
(B) is used to
(C) used to
(D) use to

