
Questions 168~171 refer to the following letter.
Dear Mayor,
Congratulations on your election as the new city mayor. I'm writing to propose a new initiative to create a network of cycling routes in the city for entertainment purposes. While the previous plan for cycling routes focused on commuting, this proposal is aimed at creating an enjoyable and healthy way for residents and visitors to explore the city.
It is worth mentioning that cycling is a popular recreational activity that provides significant health benefits, such as improving physical fitness and reducing stress levels. Additionally, cycling can boost the local economy by attracting tourists and promoting local businesses.
By creating a network of cycling routes for entertainment, we can showcase the city's uniquelandmarks and scenic routes, providing a new perspective for residents and visitors. This initiative will also encourage residents to engage in a more sustainable mode of transportation, reducing the city's carbon footprint.
I believe that this proposal will contribute to the city's growth, promote healthy living, and strengthen its image as a sustainable and innovative city. I hope that you will consider this proposal and support the creation of a network of cycling routes in the city for entertainment purposes. 
Thank you for your time and attention. 
Harry GoldburgThe Head of the Department of Transportation

【題組】168.What is the main goal of the proposed initiative?
(A) To promote healthy living.
(B)To reduce traffic congestion.
(C)To create a new tourist attraction.
(D)To provide an enjoyable way to explore the city.

