
2. The environmental organization is dedicated to ________ the protection of endangered species.
(A) advocating
(B) jeopardizing
(C) neglecting
(D) suppressing






【評論內容】該環保組織致力於 ________ 保護瀕危物種。(A) advocating 倡導(B) jeopardizing 危害(C) neglecting 忽視(D) suppressing 抑制



【評論內容】The environmental organization is dedicated to ____advocating____ the protection of endangered species.這個環保組織致力於____倡導____保護瀕危物種。(A) advocatingadvocate vt. 擁護;提倡advocator n.擁護者;提倡者(B) jeopardizingjeopardize vt.使瀕於危險境地;冒……的危險;(C) neglectingneglect vt.忽視,忽略;疏忽neglectful adj.疏忽的(D) suppressingsuppress  vt.鎮壓,平定;壓制suppression n.[U]壓制;鎮壓jeopardize vt.及物動詞使瀕於危險境地;冒……的危險;危及If you are rude to the boss, it may jeopardize your chances of success. 如果你對老板沒有禮貌,那也許會危及你事業的成功。動保相關的單字conservation 指的是自然資源、動植物與歷史建築的保育。常見的搭配詞有 wildlife conservation「野生動物保育」以及 conservation area「保育區」。例如:Whether hunting can help with conservation efforts remains controversial.(狩獵是否可以加強生態保育,這個論點仍有爭議。)Many NGOs are trying hard to raise public awareness of wildlife conservation.(很多非營利組織正設法提高民眾對動保的意識。)不同的「保護」英文poaching這個字的意思是「偷獵、盜獵」,像是非法狩獵、獵補野生動物等等。poacher 指的就是「盜獵者」啦。例如:Marine poaching is quite rampant in Japan. Therefore, the authorities tried to solve the problem by raising the fine for illegal fishing activities.日本非法捕撈的情況很嚴重。為此,日本政府提高非法捕魚的罰金,試著解決這個問題。sanctuary是「禁獵區、動物保護區」,在這個區域內禁止從事任何的打獵活動。例子:Our government set up some sanctuaries in the mountains, which has provoked a backlash from indigenous people. They think hunting is part of their culture and lifestyle. 政府在山區設立了一些禁獵區,這件事引起了原住民族群的強烈反彈。他們認為狩獵是他們文化與生活模式的其中一環。endangered 瀕臨絕種的例子:Leopard cats are one of the endangered felines in the world. And in Taiwan, many of them are victims of roadkills.石虎是世界上瀕臨絕種的貓咪之一。而且在台灣,有很多石虎在路上被車子撞死。extinct 絕種的例子:Due to desertification, some wild animals, such as the Indian Cheetah and pink-headed duck, became extinct last year.因為沙漠化的影響,去年有些野生動物,像是印度豹和粉頭鴨都絕種了。extinction 名詞 絕種。例子:To prevent the extinction of wildlife, we need to restore their habitats first. A healthy ecosystem really means a lot to the flora and fauna.想要阻止野生動物滅絕的話,我們需要先重建牠們的棲息地。健全的生態系統對動植物而言相當重要。



【評論內容】該環保組織致力於 ________ 保護瀕危物種。(A) advocating 倡導(B) jeopardizing 危害(C) neglecting 忽視(D) suppressing 抑制



【評論內容】The environmental organization is dedicated to ____advocating____ the protection of endangered species.這個環保組織致力於____倡導____保護瀕危物種。(A) advocatingadvocate vt. 擁護;提倡advocator n.擁護者;提倡者(B) jeopardizingjeopardize vt.使瀕於危險境地;冒……的危險;(C) neglectingneglect vt.忽視,忽略;疏忽neglectful adj.疏忽的(D) suppressingsuppress  vt.鎮壓,平定;壓制suppression n.[U]壓制;鎮壓jeopardize vt.及物動詞使瀕於危險境地;冒……的危險;危及If you are rude to the boss, it may jeopardize your chances of success. 如果你對老板沒有禮貌,那也許會危及你事業的成功。動保相關的單字conservation 指的是自然資源、動植物與歷史建築的保育。常見的搭配詞有 wildlife conservation「野生動物保育」以及 conservation area「保育區」。例如:Whether hunting can help with conservation efforts remains controversial.(狩獵是否可以加強生態保育,這個論點仍有爭議。)Many NGOs are trying hard to raise public awareness of wildlife conservation.(很多非營利組織正設法提高民眾對動保的意識。)不同的「保護」英文poaching這個字的意思是「偷獵、盜獵」,像是非法狩獵、獵補野生動物等等。poacher 指的就是「盜獵者」啦。例如:Marine poaching is quite rampant in Japan. Therefore, the authorities tried to solve the problem by raising the fine for illegal fishing activities.日本非法捕撈的情況很嚴重。為此,日本政府提高非法捕魚的罰金,試著解決這個問題。sanctuary是「禁獵區、動物保護區」,在這個區域內禁止從事任何的打獵活動。例子:Our government set up some sanctuaries in the mountains, which has provoked a backlash from indigenous people. They think hunting is part of their culture and lifestyle. 政府在山區設立了一些禁獵區,這件事引起了原住民族群的強烈反彈。他們認為狩獵是他們文化與生活模式的其中一環。endangered 瀕臨絕種的例子:Leopard cats are one of the endangered felines in the world. And in Taiwan, many of them are victims of roadkills.石虎是世界上瀕臨絕種的貓咪之一。而且在台灣,有很多石虎在路上被車子撞死。extinct 絕種的例子:Due to desertification, some wild animals, such as the Indian Cheetah and pink-headed duck, became extinct last year.因為沙漠化的影響,去年有些野生動物,像是印度豹和粉頭鴨都絕種了。extinction 名詞 絕種。例子:To prevent the extinction of wildlife, we need to restore their habitats first. A healthy ecosystem really means a lot to the flora and fauna.想要阻止野生動物滅絕的話,我們需要先重建牠們的棲息地。健全的生態系統對動植物而言相當重要。