
The appearance of smartphones has changed people’s life to a large degree. Not only can people use them to make and receive phone calls, they can __1___ use them to surf on the Internet, send and receive emails, communicate with each other through video and make new friends. They have helped make human contact become easier and more __2___ than before. Besides helping people to connect __3__ each other, smartphones allow people to have fun. People can watch videos and movies online as well as play many different online games either with themselves or with others. Using the camera function __4__ by smartphones, people can take pictures of themselves, their family and friends and even things that interest them. Now smartphones have also been used as a kind of credit card.__5__ , people can use them to pay for their grocery shopping without taking the money with them. 
(A) also
(B) but
(C) again
(D) never






【評論內容】Not only can people use them to make and receive phone calls, 人們不但可以用它來撥接電話,(but)they canalsouse them to surf on the Internet, send and receive emails(而且) 他們 也可以 上網,收發電子信件轉貼奇摩



【評論內容】智能手機的外觀在很大程度上改變了人們的生活。人們不僅可以使用它們撥打和接聽電話,還可以________使用它們在互聯網上沖浪,發送和接收電子郵件,通過視頻進行互動,結交新朋友。他們幫助人類的接觸變得更容易和更多__2___比n之前。除了幫助人們互相連接__3__之外,智能手機讓人們玩得開心。人們可以在線觀看視頻和電影,也可以自己或與他人玩許多不同的網絡遊戲。智能手機使用相機功能__4__,人們可以拍攝自己,他們的家人和朋友,甚至拍攝他們感興趣的東西。現在智能手機也被用作一種信用卡.__ 5__,人們可以用他們的錢來購買雜貨,而不用拿錢。

【用戶】Freda Kuo


【評論內容】*surf[sɝf] n. (沖擊岩石、海岸的)碎浪,海浪;浪花[U]vi.   作衝浪運動       瀏覽(指在電腦網路上、或在有趣的電視節目上隨意地搜索資料);       迅速地連續觀察一系列對象(尤指在電腦或電視的螢幕上)vt.  上網瀏覽(在電腦網路上、或電視頻道上搜索資料或娛樂);    快速連續地看  surf on the Internet 網路瀏覽 * grocery [ˈɡrosərɪ]n.[C] 食品雜貨店[C]食品雜貨業[U]           食品雜貨,南北貨[P]



【評論內容】Not only can people use them to make and receive phone calls, 人們不但可以用它來撥接電話,(but)they can.....看完整詳解




【用戶】Freda Kuo


【評論內容】*surf[sɝf]     n. (沖擊岩石、海岸的)碎浪,海浪;浪花[U]    vi.   作衝浪運動           瀏覽(指在電腦網路上、或在有趣的電視節目上隨意地搜索資料);           迅速地連續觀察一系列對象(尤指在電腦或電視的螢幕上)    vt.  上網瀏覽(在電腦網路上、或電視頻道上搜索資料或娛樂);          快速連續地看  surf on the Internet 網路瀏覽 * grocery [ˈɡrosərɪ]    n.[C]   食品雜貨店[C]              食品雜貨業[U]               食品雜貨,南北貨[P]