
(二)  Everyone knows Steve Jobs because he started Apple. Everyone also knows that he was very smart. But did you know he didn’t finish his college? How much did you know about him?  The movie Jobs will tell you about the great man’s life. It begins in 1971. In the movie, we will know how Jobs started Apple and how he had the idea of iPod. Besides, we will also learn a lot about his personality(性格).  When Jobs started Apple, he changed the world. Before Apple came out, nobody had a personal computer. In fact, nobody wanted a computer at that time, but now, a lot of people can’t live without computers.  Jobs left Apple in 1985. In 1996, Apple was almost out of money. Steve Jobs came back to Apple. By 1998, Apple was making money again. Without Jobs, Apple would have disappeared.Steve Jobs died in 2011, but the world will remember him for a very long time.
【題組】1 Who was Steve Jobs?
(A) He was the one who created Apple. 
(B) He was the one who saved Apple.
(C) He was the one who changed the world. 
(D) All of the above.

