
(A) fill up
(B) filter out
(C) sweep in
(D) sift between






【評論內容】When the kidneys cease to function, they no longer filter out waste products. The result of kidney failure may be serious illness, or even death.當腎臟停止運作時,它們就不再過濾掉廢物。 腎衰竭的結果可能是重症,甚至死亡。(A) ph.裝滿, 填滿;填掉(池塘等); 被填滿(B) ph.濾除(C) 清掃(D) 篩選kidneys             腎臟;kidney的名詞複數function            n.[C]功能,作用,官能;職務,職責



【評論內容】High blood pressure has been of great concern for many people nowadays. It places a severe strain on the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. It may eventually cause the heart to enlarge and become thickened. In some cases, the heart may fail. High blood pressure can also cause the blood vessels to overstretch, weaken, or burst; a ruptured blood vessel in the brain can cause a stroke or even paralysis. The third and most serious complication related to high blood pressure is kidney failure. When the kidneys cease to function, they no longer filter out waste products. The result of kidney failure may be serious illness, or even death.如今,高血壓一直是許多人非常關注的問題。它對心臟、血管和腎臟造成了嚴重的壓力。它最終可能導致心臟擴大和變厚。在某些情況下,心臟可能會衰竭。高血壓還可能導致血管過度拉伸、減弱或破裂;大腦中的血管破裂可能導致中風甚至癱瘓。與高血壓有關的第三個也是最嚴重的併發症是腎臟衰竭。當腎臟停止運作時,它們不再過濾出廢物。腎衰竭的結果可能是嚴重的疾病,甚至是死亡。 When the kidneys cease to function, they no longer filter out waste products.當腎臟停止運作時,它們不再過濾出廢物。(A) fill up   裝滿, 填滿;填掉(池塘等); 被填滿



【評論內容】(A) fill up裝滿=be full of(B) filter out濾除: filter out waste products濾除身體廢棄物; filter out the dirt濾除塵垢(C) sweep in襲捲、在選舉中大獲全勝、打掃、颳風 (D) sift betweensift篩麵粉、糖…;檢查sift用法為 sift out A from B:從B篩選出AWhen the kidneys cease to function, they no longer filter out waste products. The result of kidney failure may be serious illness, or even death.當腎臟停止運作時,它們就不再濾除掉人體排泄物。 腎衰竭的結果可能是重症,甚至死亡。單字解析:cease停止function運作停止運作:cease to function=stop functioningno longer不再(須放在一般動詞filter前面)waste廢棄的waste products人體排泄物result結果kidney failure腎衰竭serious嚴重的illness疾病even甚至death.死亡 



【評論內容】When the kidneys cease to function, they no longer filter out waste products. The result of kidney failure may be serious illness, or even death.當腎臟停止運作時,它們就不再過濾掉廢物。 腎衰竭的結果可能是重症,甚至死亡。(A) ph.裝滿, 填滿;填掉(池塘等); 被填滿(B) ph.濾除(C) 清掃(D) 篩選kidneys             腎臟;kidney的名詞複數function            n.[C]功能,作用,官能;職務,職責



【評論內容】High blood pressure has been of great concern for many people nowadays. It places a severe strain on the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. It may eventually cause the heart to enlarge and become thickened. In some cases, the heart may fail. High blood pressure can also cause the blood vessels to overstretch, weaken, or burst; a ruptured blood vessel in the brain can cause a stroke or even paralysis. The third and most serious complication related to high blood pressure is kidney failure. When the kidneys cease to function, they no longer filter out waste products. The result of kidney failure may be serious illness, or even death.如今,高血壓一直是許多人非常關注的問題。它對心臟、血管和腎臟造成了嚴重的壓力。它最終可能導致心臟擴大和變厚。在某些情況下,心臟可能會衰竭。高血壓還可能導致血管過度拉伸、減弱或破裂;大腦中的血管破裂可能導致中風甚至癱瘓。與高血壓有關的第三個也是最嚴重的併發症是腎臟衰竭。當腎臟停止運作時,它們不再過濾出廢物。腎衰竭的結果可能是嚴重的疾病,甚至是死亡。 When the kidneys cease to function, they no longer filter out waste products.當腎臟停止運作時,它們不再過濾出廢物。(A) fill up   裝滿, 填滿;填掉(池塘等); 被填滿



【評論內容】(A) fill up裝滿=be full of(B) filter out濾除: filter out waste products濾除身體廢棄物; filter out the dirt濾除塵垢(C) sweep in襲捲、在選舉中大獲全勝、打掃、颳風 (D) sift betweensift篩麵粉、糖…;檢查sift用法為 sift out A from B:從B篩選出AWhen the kidneys cease to function, they no longer filter out waste products. The result of kidney failure may be serious illness, or even death.當腎臟停止運作時,它們就不再濾除掉人體排泄物。 腎衰竭的結果可能是重症,甚至死亡。單字解析:cease停止function運作停止運作:cease to function=stop functioningno longer不再(須放在一般動詞filter前面)waste廢棄的waste products人體排泄物result結果kidney failure腎衰竭serious嚴重的illness疾病even甚至death.死亡