
請依下文回答第 1 題至第 5 題  The giant African land snail was introduced onto an island in the South Pacific, primarily as a food source. But it was soonfound to eat vast quantities of the natural vegetation and even some of the crops. To solve the problem, the much smaller predatorysnail Euglandina was introduced, 1 that it would keep the numbers down by eating the eggs of the giant snail. 2 , Euglandinachose to prey on the even smaller native Partula snail, an innocent party in the affair. The Partula snails were completely 3 onsome islands. The situation is now 4 an international breeding program. And the Partula snail is being reintroduced to itsprevious habitats. A lack of ecological understanding contributed to the 5 of Partula, which is now to be saved by ecology.
(A) in suspicion
(B) for fear
(C) at all events
(D) in the hope

