
4 The country of origin for a product shall be determined in accordance with the “Rules of Origin on ImportedGoods”, in case of the country of origin being unable to be ascertained, or when deemed necessary, the Customsmay request the duty payer to submit a____________ of country of origin for purpose of ascertainment.
(A) documentary
(B) contract
(C) certificate
(D) circular






【評論內容】4产品的原产国应根据“进口货物原产地规则”确定,如果原产国无法确定,或在认为必要时,海关可要求值班人员 提交原产地标识以确定目的。(A)书面合同(B)证书(C)圆形(D)编辑私有笔记高普考/三四等/高员级◆英文 - 105年 - 105年专责报关人员普通关务英文#52541答案:C



【評論內容】原本題目:4 The country of origin for a product shall be determined in accordance with the “Rules of Origin on ImportedGoods”, in case of the country of origin being unable to be ascertained, or when deemed necessary, the Customsmay request the duty payer to submit a____________ of country of origin for purpose of ascertainment.(A)documentary contract (B) certificate (C) circular (D)修改成為4 The country of origin for a product shall be determined in accordance with the “Rules of Origin on ImportedGoods”, in case of the country of origin being unable to be ascertained, or when deemed n...



【評論內容】原產地證明書Certificate of Origin