
(二)  Are you in love with someone?  If you are, don’t forget to treat your lover well.  Though most lovers show such love to each other, some still do stupid things to make their lovers angry.  Sometimes people think that they know their lovers so well that they can do anything to them.  But this is wrong.  No matter how long you’ve known your lover, you always need to treat him or her nicely.  It’s OK to tell him or her your feelings when you are angry.  But you shouldn’t say something harsh to your lover.  It’s better to speak things out clearly.  Don’t suppose that your lover knows what you think or how you feel just because you’ve known each other for a long time.   Both of you still need to communicate very often.   You need to talk about your thoughts and feelings with your lover as often as possible.  Most important of all, you should do this even after you get married.

                                                                    harsh 嚴厲的 suppose 假設;猜想

【題組】43. What does “communicate” mean?
(A)Treating your lover with all your heart.
(B) Talking about things with another person.
(C)Doing stupid things to your lover.
(D) Saying something harsh to your lover.

