
7.因神經受損而造成掌長肌(palmaris longus)癱瘓,下列何者最不可能受影響?
(A)屈指淺肌(flexor digitorum superficialis)
(B)對掌拇肌(opponens pollicis)
(C)尺側屈腕肌(flexor carpi ulnaris)
(D)橈側屈腕肌(flexor carpi radialis)




【用戶】pOTential 國考過


【評論內容】這一題考的是哪些神經支配哪些肌肉,故選出神經支配不一樣的選項就是正解7.因神經受損而造成掌長肌(palmaris longus)→正中神經支配癱瘓,下列何者最不可能受影響?



【評論內容】Medial cord胸大肌、胸小肌 ( pectoralis major and pectoralis minor )正中神經支配的纖維 (fibres to the median nerve) ; portions of hand not served by ulnar or radial(1) 尺側屈腕肌 (flexor carpi ulnaris , FCU) 、屈指深肌尺側半 (the medial two bellies of flexor digitorum profundus ) 、尺神經深支所支配的小魚際肌、 拇收肌 、骨間肌、第 3~4 蚓狀肌等 (the intrinsic hand muscles except the thenar muscles and the two most lateral lumbricals )(2) 手背尺側半及第 4 、 5 指尺側半掌面皮膚 (the skin of the medial side of the hand and medial one and a half fingers on the palmar side) 、尺側兩個半手指背側皮膚 (medial two and a half fingers on the dorsal side)前臂內側皮膚感覺 ( medial skin of the forearm)上臂前內側皮膚感覺 ( front and medial skin of the arm )解剖學-臂叢之解剖生理,基礎醫學教室-高點醫護網 (get.com.tw)

【用戶】pOTential 國考過


【評論內容】這一題考的是哪些神經支配哪些肌肉,故選出神經支配不一樣的選項就是正解7.因神經受損而造成掌長肌(palmaris longus)→正中神經支配癱瘓,下列何者最不可能受影響?



【評論內容】Medial cord胸大肌、胸小肌 ( pectoralis major and pectoralis minor )正中神經支配的纖維 (fibres to the median nerve) ; portions of hand not served by ulnar or radial(1) 尺側屈腕肌 (flexor carpi ulnaris , FCU) 、屈指深肌尺側半 (the medial two bellies of flexor digitorum profundus ) 、尺神經深支所支配的小魚際肌、 拇收肌 、骨間肌、第 3~4 蚓狀肌等 (the intrinsic hand muscles except the thenar muscles and the two most lateral lumbricals )(2) 手背尺側半及第 4 、 5 指尺側半掌面皮膚 (the skin of the medial side of the hand and medial one and a half fingers on the palmar side) 、尺側兩個半手指背側皮膚 (medial two and a half fingers on the dorsal side)前臂內側皮膚感覺 ( medial skin of the forearm)上臂前內側皮膚感覺 ( front and medial skin of the arm )解剖學-臂叢之解剖生理,基礎醫學教室-高點醫護網 (get.com.tw)