
五、閱讀測驗(每題 2 分,10%) The Raven and the Swan  A Raven saw a Swan and wanted to have the same beautiful feathers. He guessed that the Swan'sbeautiful white feathers was because of his washing in the water in which he swam. The Raven left his homeand went to live in the lakes. Although he washed his feathers as often as he would, he could notchange their color. And it was difficult for him to find his food near the lake. In the end, the Raven wasstarved to death. 

raven 烏鴉 swan 天鵝 feathers 羽毛 as ...as 像...一樣 starved to death 餓死
【題組】1. What does this story teach us?
(A) Store food is important for all the animals.
(B) We must take a bath every day to keep clean.
(C) White feathers are very beautiful, so all the birds want them.
(D) You can change your home but you can't change your nature.  store 貯存

