
Questions 186~190 refer to the following news release, email, and advertisement.
Sydney, Australia - The annual Owners of Five-Star Hotel Conference is returning to Sydney from August 12-14, and the city is gearing up to host one of the most important events in the luxury hotel community. The conference will be held at the opulent Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney, and promises to bring together some of the biggest names in the industry for three days of networking, knowledge sharing, and professional development.
The theme of this year's conference is "Innovative Strategies for Growth in the Luxury Hotel Industry," and attendees can expect a packed schedule of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops on topics such as revenue management, branding, and guest experience. The conference will also provide ample opportunities for networking and socializing with industry leaders and peers from around the world.
"We are excited to bring together the best minds in the luxury hotel industry to share their experiences and insights," said conference organizer, John Smith. "Our goal is to help hotel owners and operators stay ahead of the curve and find new ways to grow and succeed in a highly competitive market."
The Owners of Five-Star Hotel Conference is a must-attend event for anyone looking to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies in the luxury hotel industry. Registration is now open, and early-bird discounts are available until June 30th. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best and connect with your peers in the industry.
Subject: Follow-up on Collaboration between PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel
Dear Nick,
I hope this email finds you well. It was great to meet you at the Owners of Five-Star Hotel Conference in Sydney last month, and I wanted to thank you again for taking the time to talk to me about the possibility of collaborating in marketing efforts for our hotels.
As we discussed, I believe that a joint marketing campaign could be highly beneficial for both of our businesses, and I would love to finalize the details of our collaboration. With that in mind, I would like to invite you to visit our headquarters in Canberra so we can discuss the specifics of the campaign and explore ways to work together more closely.
During your visit, we can tour some of our hotels in the eastern part of Australia and discuss how we can promote both PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel through social media, online advertising, and other marketing channels. I think that our combined strengths in the luxury hotel industry could lead to some exciting opportunities and help us both stand out in a competitive market.
Please let me know if you are available to visit us in the next few weeks, and we can work out the logistics together. I look forward to continuing our conversation and building a successful partnership between our hotels.
Best regards,
Terry ChevillonOwner, WIRO Hotel
Experience the Best of Australia: PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel Join Forces!
Looking for the ultimate luxury hotel experience in Australia? Look no further than PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel! We're excited to announce our new joint marketing campaign, which showcases the best of both our brands and provides international tourists with an unforgettable stay Down Under.
With our combined strengths in the luxury hotel industry, we're offering a truly unique and authentic Australian experience. Whether you're looking for a beachfront escape at PPE Resort in New Zealand or a city getaway at one of WIRO Hotel's five locations in eastern Australia, we've got you covered.
Our joint marketing campaign is specifically aimed at international tourists from South Korea and Japan, two countries known for their love of luxury travel. We'll be promoting our partnership through social media, online advertising, and other channels to reach our target audience and offer them exclusive deals and packages.
So why wait? Book your stay at PPE Resort or WIRO Hotel today and experience the best of Australia with our exciting promotional campaign.
【題組】186.According to the news release, what is the goal of the conference?
(A) To bring together industry leaders for a social gathering.
(B) To provide discounted hotel rates for attendees.
(C) To help hotel owners and operators find new ways to grow and succeed.
(D) To focus on the history of the luxury hotel industry.

