
7. Three stranded killer whales died at the National Cheng-kung University Marine Biology & Cetacean ResearchCenter. Researchers found 18 plastic bags in the stomach of the thinnest of the three whales during _____.
(A) diverge
(B) consensus
(C) authority
(D) autopsy




【用戶】yue (基本不販資料、有


【評論內容】stranded 擱淺的(A) diverge 發散(B) consensus 共識(C) authority 當局、權威(D) autopsy 解剖



【評論內容】Three stranded killer whales died at the National Cheng-kung University Marine Biology & Cetacean Research Center. Researchers found 18 plastic bags in the stomach of the thinnest of the three whales during _____. (A) diverge 發散(B) consensus 共識(C) authority 當局、權威(D) autopsy 驗屍三股虎鯨在國立成功大學海洋生物學與鯨類研究中心死亡。研究人員在驗屍過程中發現了三隻鯨中最薄的胃中有18個塑料袋答案:D...

【用戶】yue (不販資料有販售請


【評論內容】stranded 擱淺的(A) diverge 發散(B) consensus 共識(C) authority 當局、權威(D) autopsy 解剖



【評論內容】Three stranded killer whales died at the National Cheng-kung University Marine Biology & Cetacean Research Center. Researchers found 18 plastic bags in the stomach of the thinnest of the three whales during _____. (A) diverge 發散(B) consensus 共識(C) authority 當局、權威(D) autopsy 驗屍三股虎鯨在國立成功大學海洋生物學與鯨類研究中心死亡。研究人員在驗屍過程中發現了三隻鯨中最薄的胃中有18個塑料袋答案:D...