【評論主題】10.某一加壓空間在某側牆面同時存在 3 個開口,面積大小分別為 0.2、0.2 與 0.4 平方公尺,試問氣流等效流動面積為何?(A) 0.08 平方公尺 (B) 0.4 平方公尺 (C) 0.8


等效流動面積(並聯)=A1+A2+A3                                  =0.2+0.2+0.4                                  =0.8平方公尺

【評論主題】18 可燃性物質置於室內燃燒時,可發生閃燃,置於室外燃燒時則否;造成此種差異現象,與下列何者關聯性較高? (A)兩者火勢大小之差異 (B)兩者燃燒速率高低之差異 (C)兩者火焰是否產生熱輻射 (D)兩



【評論主題】7 有關硫化氫(H2S)之性質,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A)具毒性 (B)具可燃性 (C)密度同甲烷,易自然散失 (D)易產生靜電火花引火


【評論主題】23.有關混和危險之敘述,何者為非?(A)過氯酸鹽不能和汽油混合 (B)金屬鈉不能和硝酸混合(C)金屬鈉不能和汽油混合(D)鎂粉不能和硝酸混合





【評論主題】24.IG-541滅火劑,其中數字「4」表:(A) N2:40% (B) Ar:40%(C) CO2:40%(D) CO2:4%


IG-541>>>氮氣      N2:52% 

               氬氣      Ar:40%


【評論主題】25. 一立方公尺空氣中所含之水蒸氣量,若以公克表示,此應為:(A)實效濕度 (B)相對溼度 (C)絕對溼度 (D)實驗濕度


絕對溼度 :一立方公尺空氣中所含之水蒸氣量,以公克表示

【評論主題】22. 火災時所形成的圓錐狀火煙流層稱為:(A)ceiling pattern (B)fire ball (C)fire plume (D)ceiling jet

【評論內容】火災時所形成的圓錐狀火煙流層稱為火羽流(fire plume )

【評論主題】3. 下列哪一海龍替代品在滅火時不會產生氫氟酸?(A)IG-541 (B)HFC-23 (C)CEA-410 (D)FM-200


【評論主題】V.閲讀測驗(第26題至第30題,共10分)      To toot, to cut the cheese, or to pass gas. These are all funny ways to


【評論主題】As you pass through life, you'll meet new people. Most times, it's best just to be yoursel


As you pass through life, you'll meet new people. Most times, it's best just to be yourself. But other times—when you're interviewing for a job, for example—it's best to be your best self. When meeting someone new at a job interview, there are a few simple things you can do to ensure you present your best self: give a firm handshake, make good eye contact, and use a clear, strong voice. And don't forget to smile! 


【評論主題】20. In Taiwan, there are a lot of cameras which are ______ on the streets.(A) inventoried (B) intens


In Taiwan, there are a lot of cameras which are installed on the streets.


(A) inventoried 盤點

(B) intensified 加劇

(C) installed 被安裝的

(D) informed 被告知的

【評論主題】35. Most parts of Taiwan have access to sufficient supplies of fresh water for drinking. But fresh w


Most parts of Taiwan have access to sufficient supplies of fresh water for drinking. But fresh water can be in short supply in many arid regions of the world such as Saudi Arabia, where there are limited water resources. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “arid” in the paragraph?


(A) occupied 佔領(B) dry 乾燥(C) isolated 孤立(D) remote 遙控

【評論主題】34. Recently, the Taipower Company submitted an application to Taiwan’s Atomic Energy Council (AEC)


 34. Recently, the Taipower Company submitted an application to Taiwan’s Atomic Energy Council (AEC) for authorization to restart a nuclear reactor at the No. 2 nuclear plant in Wanli, New Taipei. Various environmental groups and some legislators have raised their voices in ______ to Taipower’s action. 


(A) acquiescence 默認(B) approval 批准(C) acceptance 接受(D) objection 反對

【評論主題】17. He was charged with sexual abuse and freed on 1 million _____.(A) jail (B) bail (C) trail (D) ta


He was charged with sexual abuse and freed on 1 million_________


(A) jail 監獄

(B) bail 保釋

(C) trail 線索、落後

(D) tail 尾巴

【評論主題】7. Three stranded killer whales died at the National Cheng-kung University Marine Biology & Cetacean

【評論內容】Three stranded killer whales died at the National Cheng-kung University Marine Biology & Cetacean Research Center. Researchers found 18 plastic bags in the stomach of the thinnest of the three whales during _____. 

(A) diverge 發散

(B) consensus 共識

(C) authority 當局、權威

(D) autopsy 驗屍


【評論主題】41 依民法之規定,關於承攬工作毀損或滅失危險負擔,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A)工作毀損滅失之危險,於定作人受領前,由承攬人負擔之 (B)定作人所供給之材料,因不可抗力而毀損、滅失之危險,由承攬人負擔之



民法 第490條稱承攬者,謂當事人約定,一方為他方完成一定之工作,他方俟工作完成,給付報酬之契約。

【評論主題】35. Most parts of Taiwan have access to sufficient supplies of fresh water for drinking. But fresh w


Most parts of Taiwan have access to sufficient supplies of fresh water for drinking. But fresh water can be in short supply in many arid regions of the world such as Saudi Arabia, where there are limited water resources. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “arid” in the paragraph?


(A) occupied 佔領(B) dry 乾燥(C) isolated 孤立(D) remote 遙控

【評論主題】As you pass through life, you'll meet new people. Most times, it's best just to be yoursel


As you pass through life, you'll meet new people. Most times, it's best just to be yourself. But other times—when you're interviewing for a job, for example—it's best to be your best self. When meeting someone new at a job interview, there are a few simple things you can do to ensure you present your best self: give a firm handshake, make good eye contact, and use a clear, strong voice. And don't forget to smile! 


【評論主題】34. Recently, the Taipower Company submitted an application to Taiwan’s Atomic Energy Council (AEC)


 34. Recently, the Taipower Company submitted an application to Taiwan’s Atomic Energy Council (AEC) for authorization to restart a nuclear reactor at the No. 2 nuclear plant in Wanli, New Taipei. Various environmental groups and some legislators have raised their voices in ______ to Taipower’s action. 


(A) acquiescence 默認(B) approval 批准(C) acceptance 接受(D) objection 反對

【評論主題】20. In Taiwan, there are a lot of cameras which are ______ on the streets.(A) inventoried (B) intens


In Taiwan, there are a lot of cameras which are installed on the streets.


(A) inventoried 盤點

(B) intensified 加劇

(C) installed 被安裝的

(D) informed 被告知的

【評論主題】17. He was charged with sexual abuse and freed on 1 million _____.(A) jail (B) bail (C) trail (D) ta


He was charged with sexual abuse and freed on 1 million_________


(A) jail 監獄

(B) bail 保釋

(C) trail 線索、落後

(D) tail 尾巴

【評論主題】7. Three stranded killer whales died at the National Cheng-kung University Marine Biology & Cetacean

【評論內容】Three stranded killer whales died at the National Cheng-kung University Marine Biology & Cetacean Research Center. Researchers found 18 plastic bags in the stomach of the thinnest of the three whales during _____. 

(A) diverge 發散

(B) consensus 共識

(C) authority 當局、權威

(D) autopsy 驗屍
