
1、 Despite their wealth, the billionaire and his family live a(n) ______ lifestyle, enjoying no such things as luxury or superfluity.
(A) affable
(B) spartan
(C) fastidious
(D) licentious




【用戶】Joy :) 考上國小英語


【評論內容】 enjoying no such things as luxury or superfluity-沒有享受物質或奢華的生活(A) affable  和藹可親的(B) spartan 斯巴達式的刻苦(C) fastidious 挑剔的(D) licentious 放蕩的

【用戶】Emily Lin


【評論內容】Verbal Advantage Level 1Word 25: PERSONABLE (PUR-suh-nuh-buul) Attractive, pleasing in appearance, handsome, comely, fair, presentable. In recent years, personable has come to be used to mean having a nice personality. You should avoid using the word in that way. The words sociable, affable, and amiable already suggest people who are friendly, pleasant, and approachable. There is no need for personable to take over this sense. An awkward or unbecoming person, no matter how friendly and pleasant, cannot correctly be personable. Reserve personable for someone who is either attractive in appearan...

【用戶】Emily Lin


【評論內容】Verbal Advantage P.116 Verbal Advantage P.379