
II.克漏字測驗:10%  A)Certain plants and animals develop helpful relationship with living things outside their own species. Scientists call such relationships "mutualistic relationships" because both organisms benefit from the arrangement. This relationship allows bees to feed their colonies and plants to reproduce. But how do bees know which flowers will give them the most bang for their buck? Research reveals that bees rely on an array of visual and sensory clues such as humidity level, shape, pattern and color to —11— whether flowers have something to offer. In fact, it is known that bees have three times the color recognition ability of humans. Moreover, scientists want to know whether bees can tell which flowers —12— their interest most. Some of them have been aware for years that plants emit a weak, negatively charged electrical field. They also discovered that the wings of bees can generate up to 200 volts of positive electrical charge, which helps pollen adhere to the fine hairs on the bees’ legs. Bees can sense the weak electrical charge from flowers in order to determine if they have nectar. Even better, they find that bees are capable of altering the electrical charge of blossoms —13— they come into contact to help them choose which ones contain the most nectar and pollen. Bees also can tell which blossoms have already been —14— of their sweet ambrosia by their pollinating competitors. By doing so, they will spare a lot of time searching for the blossoms they want to touch. This helps them improve their —15— as they reconnoiter their nectar prospects. In this way, they can select blossoms more wisely.
(A) disfigure
(B) discharge
(C) discern
(D) dissipate






【評論內容】(A) disfigure (V) 毀損外觀、使毀容 *dis- 去除+figure外型(B) discharge (V) 允許撤離、排放 (C) discern (V) 分辨 *discernible 可辨別的(D) dissipate (V)  (使)逐漸消失、逐漸浪費



【評論內容】(A) disfigure (V) 毀損外觀、使毀容 *dis- 去除+figure外型(B) discharge (V) 允許撤離、排放 (C) discern (V) 分辨 *discernible 可辨別的(D) dissipate (V)  (使)逐漸消失、逐漸浪費