
題型三:(第 45 至 48 題),下面四篇段落各有四個劃底線的句子,每個句子前有選項代碼。請依各段內容,選出一個文意最不連貫的句子,並將該句 子之選項代碼劃在答案卡上。46.
(A) Credit cards can be a disaster because it is very easy to continue to use them even when wedo not have the money to pay for what we buy.
(B) However, to many people, credit cards arenot a disaster but a convenience. With credit cards, we do not have to carry a lot of cash.
(C) We can order what we need over the telephone, and we can pay for airplane ticketsimmediately.
(D) Credit cards are dangerous for the credit card companies charge us interest,and the interest will be added every month. In addition, we can use credit cards intelligently topay for expenses such as furniture and vacations. As long as we are careful to keep ourspending under control, credit cards will not be a problem but a benefit.

