
IV.閱讀測驗:下篇短文為第31至35題,請於閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。       For some people, travel means taking a vacation for a week on sunny beaches or spending a few nights in a comfortable hotel. However, for many young people today, travel means putting on a backpack and going on an independent journey to see the world.       In the past, many people went on package tours and weeklong vacations. However, in the 1960s, a few young people decided to do something different. They want to travel for long period of time to learn more about themselves and the countries they visit.       To do this, these travelers had to spend as little money as possible since they might have a limited budget. This meant that they had to take local buses or trains, stay in small hotels, and eat local food. They also had to travel light, and many decided that a backpack was the best way to carry their things. Soon, they began to be known as “backpackers.”       Over the years that followed, some backpackers traveled around Europe with a special train pass and stayed at inexpensive youth hostels. Others traveled to Asia, Africa, and South America.    Some hitchhiked, some biked, and some even traveled on foot   . Today, backpacking has become popular, and it is common to see backpackers in many different places worldwide.
【題組】31.What is this article mainly about?
(A)Advices on saving money to make your next trip amazing.
(B)Numerous ways to experience local culture while traveling.
(C)A brief history of backpacking.
(D)Comparing the similarities and differences between tourists and backpackers.






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...