
(A) re-design
(B) re-deliver
(C) re-cover
(D) re-create






【評論內容】At the start of the Dark Ages, there were no galaxies, no stars, and no planets. 在黑暗時代之初,沒有星系、沒有星星、也沒有行星Even if there had been, we would not be able to spot them. 即使有,在那個年代我們也沒有辦法發現它們That is because hydrogen-gas clouds are nearly opaque to  visible  light. 這是因為氫氣雲對可見光而言幾乎是不透光的No ordinary  telescope  will ever be able to see what happened afterward.  用一般的望遠鏡是沒有辦法看到發生什麼的yet  somehow the matter that started as a sea of individual atoms managed to transform itself into something more. 但,不知如何地,開始從...



【評論內容】(A) re-design 重新設計(B) ☆☆-...



【評論內容】At the start of the Dark Ages, there were no galaxies, no stars, and no planets. 在黑暗時代之初,沒有星系、沒有星星、也沒有行星Even if there had been, we would not be able to spot them. 即使有,在那個年代我們也沒有辦法發現它們That is because hydrogen-gas clouds are nearly opaque to  visible  light. 這是因為氫氣雲對可見光而言幾乎是不透光的No ordinary  telescope  will ever be able to see what happened afterward.  用一般的望遠鏡是沒有辦法看到發生什麼的yet  somehow the matter that started as a sea of individual atoms managed to transform itself into something more. 但,不知如何地,開始從...