
When a loved pet passes away, it can be hard to accept they are truly gone forever, and for some, the loved ones are of the furry, four-legged variety. Some animal lovers are 36 a private burial in the backyard; others may want something a little more ceremonial and prefer a service at a pet cemetery. In the last decade, another option has become available, that of freezedrying. This process involves the complete removal of liquid from a pet 37 it retains its shape and size. This can take up to four months to complete, depending on the pet’s weight. It is then sent back to the owner. 38 , this service was mainly available in the United States. Now, Britain joined in the trend toward pet preservation, but in the form of taxidermy.In fact, the resurrection of interest in this form of preservation is so great that the few taxidermists still practicing cannot cope with the demand. For the layperson, taxidermy means “stuffing dead animals” and brings to mind dusty collections of exotic creatures in museums. For the professional taxidermists, theirs is an art form that also requires a genuine interest in wildlife. When they begin work on a subject, they must not only sculpt a body from wood or, in the case of large animals, the material used is fiber glass ( the animal’s skin is then 39 this frame ), but they must position the animal in a convincing pose, and they can only do this by knowing how it moves in life. The subjects, by the way, have all met natural deaths or 40 in road accidents, as British law prevents endangered species from reaching the taxidermist’s table.
(A) content with
(B) exhausted from
(C) unknown to
(D) distracted by

