
(E) while


統計:A(202),B(44),C(19),D(10),E(3) #
個人:尚未作答書單: whereas的用法、while




【評論內容】He started thisnbehavior about six months ___22___ we got married, which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details.從文意中可知,她結婚前知道她丈夫有個習慣,導致他無法專心於籌辦婚禮細節上。



【評論內容】選A,因文中"which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. "(先生很難專心在婚禮細節),表示他們尚未完成結婚,故A為對。



【評論內容】He started this behavior about six months ___22___ we got married, which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. (他開始有這種行為大約在我們結婚 ___22___ 六個月,(這個怪異行為)讓他很難專心於婚禮細節上。22(A) before 前。(B) after 後。(C) when 當。(D) as 當。(E) while 當。由後句 which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. 得知這個行為是發生在「結婚前」。



【評論內容】選A,因文中"which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. "(先生很難專心在婚禮細節),表示他們尚未完成結婚,故A為對。



【評論內容】He started this behavior about six months ___22___ we got married, which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. (他開始有這種行為大約在我們結婚 ___22___ 六個月,(這個怪異行為)讓他很難專心於婚禮細節上。22(A) before 前。(B) after 後。(C) when 當。(D) as 當。(E) while 當。由後句 which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. 得知這個行為是發生在「結婚前」。



【評論內容】選A,因文中"which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. "(先生很難專心在婚禮細節),表示他們尚未完成結婚,故A為對。



【評論內容】He started this behavior about six months ___22___ we got married, which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. (他開始有這種行為大約在我們結婚 ___22___ 六個月,(這個怪異行為)讓他很難專心於婚禮細節上。22(A) before 前。(B) after 後。(C) when 當。(D) as 當。(E) while 當。由後句 which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. 得知這個行為是發生在「結婚前」。



【評論內容】He started thisnbeha☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】He started thisnbeha☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】選A,因文中"which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. "(先生很難專心在婚禮細節),表示他們尚未完成結婚,故A為對。



【評論內容】He started this behavior about six months ___22___ we got married, which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. (他開始有這種行為大約在我們結婚 ___22___ 六個月,(這個怪異行為)讓他很難專心於婚禮細節上。22(A) before 前。(B) after 後。(C) when 當。(D) as 當。(E) while 當。由後句 which made it very difficult to get his attention on wedding details. 得知這個行為是發生在「結婚前」。