
【題組】37. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
(A)Mother rats usually take care of the pops.
(B)Calhoun had experimented with rats before.
(C)Stress does not occur in rat community unless there is overcrowding.
(D)The rats in the experiments have deviant behavior because they fought for necessities of life.
(E)Calhoun manipulated the experiment so that the only factor that caused stress is overpopulation.






【評論內容】題目是:從文中可知甚麼?(a) Mother rats usually take care of the pops. 是對的。因為,第二段有提到Under normal conditions,a mother rat would not leave her pops alone to die. (b) Calhoun had experimented with rats before.   他以前有做過老鼠的實驗。但文章開頭只有有提到: 他於1960年開始做一系列的老鼠實驗。所以,無法得知他做這一系列實驗前,有沒有做其他老鼠的實驗。因此,此選項不選。Johnn B. Calhoun did a classic series of experiments to determine the effectsn of overpopulation on communities of rats in the 1960s. (c)Stress does not occur in rat community unless there is overcrowding. 除非有ov...