
Imagine this situation: An American businessman is giving a speech in Germany. He doesn’t speak German, so he is using an interpreter to help him. In the introduction to his speech, he tells a little joke. Everyone laughs. So we would guess that his joke worked. Not really. In fact, the joke was not _11_ because the interpreter knew it was offensive in German culture. So why did everyone laugh? The interpreter told them to. He said, “The speaker has just told a joke. Please laugh.”As a matter of fact, most interpreters _12_ the same thing. That’s because different cultures find different things _13_ . For example, Americans often make fun of themselves or others in their jokes. But people from China, Japan and other cultures in the Far East do not _14_ jokes that are too personal. Laughing at their own or other people’s mistakes is not considered funny. _15_ , they might feel offended by such a joke. That’s why we should be careful in cross-cultural situations.




【用戶】Chun Jen Wan





【評論內容】In fact, the joke was not translated because the interpreter knew it was offensive in German culture. 事實上,這個笑話並沒有翻譯出來,因為口譯員知道這是對德國文化的冒犯。

【用戶】Chun Jen Wan





【評論內容】In fact, the joke was not translated because the interpreter knew it was offensive in German culture. 事實上,這個笑話並沒有翻譯出來,因為口譯員知道這是對德國文化的冒犯。

【用戶】Chun Jen Wan





【評論內容】In fact, the joke was not translated because the interpreter knew it was offensive in German culture. 事實上,這個笑話並沒有翻譯出來,因為口譯員知道這是對德國文化的冒犯。