
【題組】43 .What makes it possible for Petrobras to have rapid output profit?
(A)It has a strong financial footing.
(B)It has a successful deep-sea drilling techniques.
(C)It has an average of 1.9 million barrels a day this year.
(D)It managed to exploit more offshore oil reserves.
(E)Last year it saw a 50 percent increase from net profit of $6.6 billion in 2004.









【評論內容】原本題目:Passage twoWhen most people think of Latin American oil, their thoughts turn to Venezuela and Mexico. But production by Petroleos de Venezuela, or PdVSA, and Petroleos Mexicanos,or Pemex, remains largely domestic and their output stagnant or falling. Brazil cannot compete with Venezuela or Mexico in terms of reserves, but Petrobras may soon surpass PdVSA to become the second-largest company behind Pemex in production. Petrobras, which remains 55.7 percent state-owned, is investing its rush of profit to bolster output to 2.5 million barrels of oil a day by 2010,up from an average o...



【評論內容】當大多數人想到拉丁美洲的石油時,他們的想法轉向委內瑞拉和墨西哥。但Petroleos de Venezuela,PdVSA和Petroleos Mexicanos,或Pemex的產量仍主要是國內產品,其產量停滯不前或下降。巴西在儲備方面無法與委內瑞拉或墨西哥競爭,但巴西國家石油公司可能很快超過PdVSA成為僅次於Pemex生產的第二大公司。巴西國家石油公司(Petrobras)仍然擁有55.7%的國有資產,正在投資其利潤,到2010年將石油產量提高到每天250萬桶石油,高於今年的平均190萬桶石油。其去年的淨銷售額為452.2億美元,淨利潤為100.2億美元,比2004年的淨利潤66.9億美元增長了50%。這使得它的財務基礎比PdVSA和Pemex都要強得多,後者虧損了去年。快速的產量增長反映了巴西石油公...