
We extend our sincere ________ to the family and friends of Steven Jobs, who has suddenly left us at the age of 56.




【用戶】Yiju Chen





【評論內容】obsession n 迷戀



【評論內容】We extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Steven Jobs, who has suddenly left us at the age of 56. 我們向Steven Jobs的家人和朋友致以誠摯的慰問,Steven Jobs在五十六歲時突然離開了我們。(A) condolence  弔辭n(B) proclamation 公布、宣布n(C) obsession 著迷、著魔n(D) appreciation 欣賞、感謝、漲價n 

【用戶】Yiju Chen





【評論內容】obsession n 迷戀



【評論內容】We extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Steven Jobs, who has suddenly left us at the age of 56. 我們向Steven Jobs的家人和朋友致以誠摯的慰問,Steven Jobs在五十六歲時突然離開了我們。(A) condolence  弔辭n(B) proclamation 公布、宣布n(C) obsession 著迷、著魔n(D) appreciation 欣賞、感謝、漲價n 

【用戶】Yiju Chen





【評論內容】obsession n 迷戀



【評論內容】We extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Steven Jobs, who has suddenly left us at the age of 56. 我們向Steven Jobs的家人和朋友致以誠摯的慰問,Steven Jobs在五十六歲時突然離開了我們。(A) condolence  弔辭n(B) proclamation 公布、宣布n(C) obsession 著迷、著魔n(D) appreciation 欣賞、感謝、漲價n