
 New York
November 10, 1958
Dear Thom:
       We got your letter this morning. I will answer it from my point of view, and your mother will do it from hers.
       First, I know your feeling because I have it and I’m glad you have it. If you are in love, that’s a good thing. That is about the best thing that can happen to anyone. Don’t let anyone make it small or light to you.
       Second, there are some different kinds of love. One can be selfish, mean, and egotistical. If you only care about your own needs, love can make you sick and small. Another is an outpouring of everything good in you — of kindness, consideration, and respect. This kind of love will help you grow stronger and even wiser. I believe you will find the best way to experience love.
       You say this is not puppy love. If you feel so deeply, of course, it isn’t puppy love. But I think you were not asking me how you feel. What you wanted me to help you with is what to do about it. If you love someone, it is never a bad thing to say so. It sometimes happens that how you feel is not returned for some reason, but that does not make your feeling less valuable.Lastly, don’t worry about losing. If it is right, it happens — the main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.
 Love, Father

utpouring (情感)流露kindness 仁慈consideration 體貼respect 尊重puppy love不成熟的戀愛return 回報valuable 珍貴的
【題組】30. What does hers mean in the reading?
(A) her letter
(B) her answer
(C) her point of view
(D) her love






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...