
38 Pride goes before a fall, so try to be__________ , especially when you don’t know whom or what you will be dealing with.
(C) humorous






【評論內容】(A)humble (B)humane 1.有人情味的; 人道的; 仁慈的2.(指學科)高尚的, 人文的(C)humorous 幽默的, 詼諧的; 滑稽的, 可笑的(D)humiliating 丟臉的,恥辱的,羞愧的 humiliatevt.



【評論內容】Pride goes before a fall 驕者必敗humble 謙虛的



【評論內容】Pride goes before a fall:something that you say which means if you are too confident about yourself, something bad will happen to show you that you are not as good as you think you are



【評論內容】Pride goes before a.....



【評論內容】Pride goes before a fall:something that you say which means if you are too confident about yourself, something bad will happen to show you that you are not as good as you think you are

【用戶】骨頭(警 上榜)


【評論內容】(A)humble翻譯:謙虛的,謙遜的, 地位低下的,卑微的, 普通的,不起眼的, 使…感到自慚(B)humane翻譯:(尤指對待受苦者)善良的,仁慈的,人道的。(D)humiliating翻譯:令人感到恥辱的,丟臉的。



【評論內容】Pride goes before a.....看完整詳解



【評論內容】Pride goes before a fall:something that you say which means if you are too confident about yourself, something bad will happen to show you that you are not as good as you think you are



【評論內容】(A)humble翻譯:謙虛的,謙遜的, 地位低下的,卑微的, 普通的,不起眼的, 使…感到自慚(B)humane翻譯:(尤指對待受苦者)善良的,仁慈的,人道的。(D)humiliating翻譯:令人感到恥辱的,丟臉的。