
【題組】In the West, the water lily is associated with
(A) beautiful water spirits.
(B) purity of mind and body.
(C) female fertility.
(D) everlasting love.






【評論內容】Finally, the lotus flower has the religious significance of purity in Asia while the water lily is mostly associated with feminine beauty and nymphs (water spirits), as in Greek culture. 






【評論內容】Many people cannot tell the difference between the lotus蓮花 and the water lily睡蓮 because the flowers and leaves have a similar appearance and both kinds of flowers grow in quiet ponds or lakes. In some ways, however, these flowers are very different. First of all首先, lotus flowers usually reach up抵,到達 out of the water, while the water lily rests on the floating leaves. Secondly, the pads材料, 墊 or ridged起塄的;脊形的 leaves of the lotus flowers are completely完全地,徹底 rounded while those of the water lily have a split分開, (使)裂開 in them from the outer edge to the...