
(38~40) Faces can tell us about people’s feelings. They can tell us someone is happy, sad or nervous. Faces have another use, too. Your face can tell people who you are. Like your fingerprints, it is unique. There is no one else in the world has the same face as yours unless you have a twin. Photos, different from fingerprints, are easy to get because they can be got without touching the person. How convenient! Now, some people are using your face in different ways. Facial recognition technology is one of them. It helps a lot in police work, and banks can also use “faceprint” to identify people. This could be very helpful, but some people are also worried about it. Not everyone is happy with the new technology. A stranger may take your picture without asking you first and then surf the Internet to get your personal information—your age, your job, and even your phone number. Nobody wants a stranger to get his or her photos and then find out secrets about them through their “face.”  recognition 辨識 / identify 識別
【題組】38.Which is the use of a face?
(A) Showing others we are happy or unhappy.
(B) Telling other people who we are.
(C) Helping the police find out bad guys.
(D) All of the above.

