
Questions 153, 154 refer to the following email.
From: Arch Shinzo 
To: HR Manager
Date: April 30
Subject: request

Dear Komiya Trucco,

I am writing to request unpaid time off. Four months after the company relocated me to the Sapporo branch, I found it hard to become accustomed to living away with my family although we video chat on a daily basis. I have to combat the constant desire to spend time with them and therefore can hardly stay focused at work. Obviously most of the mistakes I’ve made in recent weeks can be avoided and fortunately they were not fatal mistakes. Now I regret not taking their advice and getting promoted. I am very apologetic about lost productivity and my struggles with loneliness.

It would be better if I spent some time trying to be at peace with myself and spent quality time with my family to make up for lost time. I believe that very soon I will come back with renewed enthusiasm. So can I have your permission to take two months off starting on June 1?

Thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely yours,
Arch Shinzo

【題組】153.According to the email, what is NOT true?
(A) Living away from Arch Shinzo's family has caused great hardship.
(B) Arch Shinzo didn't mention in the email who would be in charge while he is away.
(C) Arch Shinzo talks to his family once a week during his stay in Sapporo.
(D) Arch Shinzo still wants to work in the same position after coming back from leave.

