
三 閱讀測驗: 10 % (每題2分)     A Many people think snow is beautiful and romantic. However, you will hate it if you have ever lived in a country that is always covered with snow in winter.    It is hard and dangerous to go out when it snows heavily. Your car may not work very well. You may have to go outside on foot, and the wet roads may make you fall down again and again. Then, it is so cold that you just want to stay home with the heater on. Worst of all, you can catch a cold easily, but it is not easy to find any doctors to help you. So, you need to wear warm clothes like a big bear every day. It’s really terrible! If you ask me what weather I prefer, I’ll say, “Sunny weather.”
【題組】1 What weather does the writer like? (prefer 更喜歡)
(A)Snowy weather.
(B) Cold weather.
(C) Windy weather.
(D) Sunny weather.

