
【題組】49.The expression that thin is “in” and fat is “out” probably means __________.
(A) thin is “inside” and fat is “outside”
(B) thin is “diligent” and fat is “lazy”
(C) thin is “spiritless” and fat is “vigorous”
(D) thin is “fashionable” and fat is “unfashionable”






【評論內容】diligent 勤奮的spiritless 無精打采的



【評論內容】After all, people think, how can people who care about themselves, and therefore the way they look, permit themselves to become fat? In an image-conscious society, thin is “in”, fat is “out”.畢竟,人們都認為別人是怎麼看待自己外表,怎麼會允許自己變胖呢?在一個形象意識的社會裡,瘦身就是“進”,胖就是“出”了。

【用戶】Carol Hsin


【評論內容】At some time in your life you may have a strong desire to do something strange or terrible. However, chances are that you don’t act on your impulse, but let it pass instead. You know that to commit the action is wrong in some way and that other people will not accept your behavior. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the phenomenon of the behavior is how it can change over the years within the same society, how certain behavior and attitudes once considered taboo can become perfectly acceptable and natural at another point in time. Topics such as death, for example, were once considered ...



【評論內容】在你生命中的某個時候,你可能會強烈渴望做一些奇怪或可怕的事情。然而,有可能你不會按照你的衝動行事,而是讓它通過。你知道,以某種方式做出行為是錯誤的,而其他人不會接受你的行為。也許關於這種行為現象的最有趣的事情是,在同一個社會中,多年來它會如何改變,某種曾經被視為禁忌的行為和態度,在另一個時間點可以變得完全可以接受和自然。例如,死亡等話題曾經被認為令人不安和不愉快,甚至談論它們也是一種禁忌。現在隨著“死亡與死亡與學會說再見”等重要書籍的出版,人們越來越意識到表達對死亡的感受的重要性,因此更願意談論這個禁忌話題。當今社會最新的禁忌之一就是肥胖的話題。與許多其他禁忌不同,肥胖是人們經常談論的話題。談論肥胖並不是禁忌; 胖是禁忌。在工作環境中,大多數公司都喜歡年輕貌美的人員,將公司的形象和產品銷售給公眾。瘦的外觀與青春,活力和成功有關。另一方面,胖子被認為是懶惰,缺乏活力,自尊。畢竟,人們認為,那些關心自己,並因此看起來容易讓自己變胖的人又該如何呢?在一個意識形態的社會裡,瘦是“得分”,脂肪是“失分”。