【評論主題】62. I love you not because what you have but because _________.(A) what are you (B) what you are (C)

【評論內容】because what you have but  because _________ 接對等子句所以 (B) what you are;

【評論主題】30.Last night I had a bad dream. Around me was a strange field, with fierce creatures _________ ther

【評論內容】昨晚我做了個惡夢.那裏是個陌生的環境,在我身旁圍繞著凶猛的動物...,with fierce creatures (which were) moving there ;描述當時的情境

【評論主題】21. It is said that being able to communicate verbally _______ from the other animals.(A) comes to o

【評論內容】人類與其他動物最大的差別在於能夠用口語溝通(D)sets .. apart :的差別,us泛指人類

【評論主題】4.下列成語何者沒有錯別字?(A)按步就班 (B)磬竹難書 (C)破斧沈舟(D)揠苗助長


【評論主題】3.下列成語「」內的字,讀音何者正確?(A)「鍥」而不捨:ㄑㄧˋ (B)青青子「衿」:ㄐㄧㄣ (C)怙惡不「悛」:ㄐㄩㄣˋ(D)橫「槊」賦詩:ㄙㄨˋ

【評論內容】(A)「鍥」而不捨:ㄑㄧㄝˋ ;堅持到底(C)怙惡不「悛」:ㄑㄩㄢ ;惡性難改(D)橫「槊」賦詩:ㄕㄨㄛˋ;意氣風發的樣子

【評論主題】5.等比級數 的項數為 ,則 為 (A)10 (B)9 (C)11 (D)12。







【評論主題】52. Michael Jordan _____ great success in his basketball career.(A) floated (B) achieved (C) drowned

【評論內容】Michael Jordan____他在籃壇上偉大的成就(A) floated 漂泊

【評論主題】【題組】5.This course will offer students a solid ____ in research. It is highly recommended for those w


【評論主題】1.設x為整數,則滿足不等式|2x -1| <11的x之個數是多少? (A)9 (B)10 (C)11 (D)12 (5)13

【評論內容】|2x -1| <112x-1<11 或 2x-1-11

【評論主題】13. Whether you are a student, a web designer, or a CEO in a company, _____ your work is critical to


【評論主題】21. The ocean _____ are strong, so be careful when you swim here.(A) creatures (B) currents (C) grad

【評論內容】(A) creatures 生物(B) currents  水流

【評論主題】【題組】49.The expression that thin is “in” and fat is “out” probably means __________.(A) thin is “insi

【評論內容】diligent 勤奮的spiritless 無精打采的

【評論主題】12. In the cross-lake swimming race, a boat will be _____ in case of an emergency.(A) standing by(B)


【評論主題】【題組】20、(A)pitch  (B)sound  (C)tone  (D)quality

【評論內容】Finally, speakers use the_____20_____ of voice. In English, a rising tone can show politeness.後段出現了tone,可推測前後用字一致,故選tone

【評論主題】10._____ a new language is interesting.(A) I learn (B) I learning (C) Learn (D) Learning


【評論主題】212 拉塞福用α粒子撞擊金箔的實驗得到 (A)原子的質量 (B)α粒子的電荷 (C)原子核的存在 (D)質子的質量。




