
(28–32)Milk is a drink that most people enjoy every day. Milk is just about everywhere these days, and people can find it in everything from ice cream to pasta sauces. Now, the most popular milk in the world is cow’s milk, with goat milk in close second. Most people only think about these two kinds of milk, and have no idea that there are still many other choices out there.
          In the Middle East, people like to drink camel milk. It is very creamy and has a slightly salty taste. In Europe, people drink ‘mare’ milk, milk from a female horse, and it helps with skin and stomach problems. In India, people like buffalo milk more, and it has more protein than cow’s milk. Over in Tibet, yak milk keeps people alive during the cold winters, thanks to its high fat inside. Donkey milk was used in cosmetics in Roman times, and it is very similar to men’s breast milk. Are you surprised to know there are so many different kinds of milk?

pasta sauce義大利麵醬   camel駱駝   slightly稍微   female母的   buffalo水牛   protein 蛋白質   Tibet西藏 yak犛牛   donkey驢   cosmetics化妝品   breast乳房
【題組】28. Which animal does the word ‘mare’ mean?
(A)A female yak.
(B) A female cow.
(C) A female horse.
(D) A female goat.






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